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Latest News Items:

Animal Fostering During COVID-19 -- Wednesday July 1st, 2020

Our Marketing Director, Rachel Olivieri, has published an article in the July 2020 issue of Rappahannock Electric "Cooperative Living."  The article contains tips on the right way to work with animal rescues as well as tips for a first-time animal foster.  Enjoy!  It's a good read!

The article can also be found online at:  https://lsc-pagepro.mydigitalpublication.com/publication/?m=30133&i=664068&view=articleBrowser&article_id=3698693.

York Daily Record -- Thursday April 18th, 2019

Our Executive Director was interviewed on her PA farm by a reporter from the York Daily Record.  The resulting article was just published and we wanted to share it with you.  It's a wonderful article about the love and caring that can develop among people and their animals.  Enjoy!



FLR Gives Back! Reading Books to Shelter Animals -- Friday December 21st, 2018

FLR was filmed and interviewed by WDVM 25 during the event “FLR Gives Back! Reading Books to Shelter Animals.” This event was hosted by Fierce Love Rescue at Frederick County-VA Esther Boyd Animal Shelter on Friday, December 21, 2018 at 10 AM – 11:30 AM.

The article by WDVM can be found online at:


A description of the event can be found on FLR’s Facebook page:


Pictures from the event can be found on the FLR website:
