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Owen 0489's Sponsorship Page
Owen 0489

Meet Owen! The 3rd save from euthanasia on Friday due to his breed.

He will be looking for his forever home soon. 
But don't stop reading - he has a crazy back story! He is 2-3 years old and was pulled when he was on his way to be put down at a shelter just for being a pit.
He has a limp - he went for a full vet check and x-rays.
The poor boy has a BULLET lodged in his elbow/leg soft tissue. It cannot be removed - so... he has a limp for life (people can be truly awful). It doesn't slow him down and the vet assured me it is not painful. He is a GREAT dog - gentle with every human and every animal. Wants only to please and will never leave your side. He is determined not to be defined by the bad things that people did to him. He is underweight and his foster is giving him every TLC to get him to where he needs to be. Getting him crate trained and house trained. Smart and willing! Please share and let's find him the best home that he so deserves!

His adoption fee is sponsored!



Owen 0489's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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